Sunday 13 April 2014

The next week is going to be busy getting the boats ready for Easter and thev weeks ahead.

The next week should bebusy as there are a number of boats to get ready for Easter. The Enterprise dinghy will be getting its new deck on after the new front bulkhead is glassed in and sealed. Then the deck will go back on and then the long job of varnishing the new deck and the inside of the hull and then the outside of the hull will be painted and the boat rerigged and all the deck fittings will be put back on. Once the Enterprise is done, the Mai-Star II will get its planking sorted and the new cabin sides will be fitted and the new roof will be fittied after the deck beams are fitted back and this time the ends will be fitted so they can not come adirft like them did before. Then the hull can be cleaned off back to bare wood and faired up and filled and then repainted. Then the new cabin sides and the rubbing stakes and the toe rails can all be varnished. Once that all done then the boat can be re-rigged and the sails set up.

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